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About Us
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About Overlay Facts

At Overlay Facts, accessibility is important in both the real and digital world. We provide information about accessibility that can make websites easier to browse for those with disabilities. With the internet being such a big part of modern life, no one should be left out.
Accessibility features for websites have been around since the 1990s. We have facts and up-to-date information about the best options, and tips on how to get the best out of digital accessibility tools.

Our Mission

We aim to help shape and build an accessible world. To do that, we know that website owners first need to understand the various digital assets available to promote accessibility and how they work.
Through education, we aim to clear up misinformation and ensure that turning a website into one that’s both beautiful and accessible isn’t a struggle.
For various disabilities, there’s a lot of support available in the “real world” that doesn’t translate online. Once you turn your attention to the digital space, there are few options to help all users browse the web equally.
Our mission is to help turn the web into a welcoming space for everyone, showcasing the technologies and accessibility options available for these people.
Internet access isn’t a privilege for the non-disabled; it’s a human right that everyone should be able to use.

Our Backstory

Our founders all come from a digital marketing background, and are directors aiming to make a difference in the digital sphere. We believe in equality, and have experience working alongside those with special needs.
In the past, we’ve worked with:

  • The elderly in various care homes and assisted living facilities
  • Children who are hard of hearing
  • Children with autism and other disabilities

During our time, we’ve become aware of some unnecessary challenges these people have in their daily life, especially when it comes to internet access. That’s why we’re so committed to accessibility.


Overlay Facts

Become an Accessible Business

If you operate a website online, you can increase your potential audience and make the internet a more welcoming place by tailoring your business to those with disabilities.
Our website helps break down compliance solutions so that you can become more informed on what you can do to help everyone’s web experiences.
We provide facts and information to help clarify misinformation, and to help make sure your business website is a suitable place for everyone to browse online.
Find out more about best practices, accessible design, overlays, and more, to better understand accessibility tools and how they can help.


Our latest updates

Why & How to Make PDF Accessible & Complaint

The Importance of Web Accessibility Digital accessibility pertains to aspects of web use that are adapted to be used without hindrance with various degrees of abilities and assistive technology. With accessible content, people…

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What is WCAG compliance? All You Need to Know

Lawsuits have surged against businesses over the past decade as plaintiffs have alleged that some company websites violate the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Seeking to avoid potential litigation, many business owners are…

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